Windows git: Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered

I have recently updated my git ( Since then pulling from github produces output like this:

$ git pull --rebase
Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.
Current branch ABC-123_Something is up to date.

The Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered. appears after a boring 20 seconds and then everything works out just fine. I haven't found anything on the net and I would like to avoid wasting that 20 seconds over and over again.

Solution 1:

None of the above helped me... So my fix is to remove manager helper from git's system config:

git config --system --unset credential.helper

If you got permission denied, invoke above command after running cmd as administrator.

Solution 2:

I just ran into this same problem and, in case it is missed in the comments for the accepted answer, the fix is:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

Credit to Hugo Allexis Cardona

Solution 3:

There appears to be some relation between the setting of proxy options inside your global .gitconfig file and the need to clear your credential helper setting from the system level. I recently removed git http-proxy and https-proxy settings from my file for security reasons, and began receiving this message, then a pause, then a prompt to log into my external git repository. This happened with every fetch, push or pull. I didn't want to replace the proxy settings in my .gitconfig, so here are the steps that worked for me:

git config --list --system

git config --list --global

These will give you listings of all your system and global level settings. This confirmed that it was set to credential.helper=manager in the system namespace, and credential.helper=wincred in the global namespace. To remove the interference on the system level:

git config --system --unset credential.helper

All git command reverted to normal, with no error messages or delays.

Solution 4:

The credential helper handling changed since the last version that I used. The systemwide gitconfig (as TortoiseGit calls it) contained a section:

    helper = manager

I think it is some leftover from previous versions. I deleted it and the delay and the error message haven't happened since. Victory! :-)