How to programmatically connect to a WiFi network given the SSID and password

Solution 1:

With iOS 11, Apple provided public API you can use to programmatically join a WiFi network without leaving your app.

The class you’ll need to use is called NEHotspotConfiguration.

To use it, you need to enable the Hotspot capability in your App Capabilities (Adding Capabilities). Quick working example :

NEHotspotConfiguration *configuration = [[NEHotspotConfiguration
 alloc] initWithSSID:@“SSID-Name”];
configuration.joinOnce = YES;

[[NEHotspotConfigurationManager sharedManager] applyConfiguration:configuration completionHandler:nil];

This will prompt the user to join the “SSID-Name” WiFi network. It will stay connected to the WiFi until the user leaves the app.

This doesn't work with the simulator you need to run this code with an actual device to make it work.

More informations here :

Solution 2:

connect wifi networks in iOS 11. You can connect wifi using ssid and password like following.

Enable Hotspot on App Id configure services

Enable Hotspot on App Id configure services

After Enable Hotspot Configuration

After Enable Hotspot Configuration

Swift 4.0 Code for iOS 11 Only:

import NetworkExtension


let configuration = NEHotspotConfiguration.init(ssid: "SSIDname", passphrase: "Password", isWEP: false)
configuration.joinOnce = true

NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.apply(configuration) { (error) in
    if error != nil {
        if error?.localizedDescription == "already associated."
            print("No Connected")
    else {