PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate]

Use PHP Document Object Model:

   $str = '<h1>T1</h1>Lorem ipsum.<h1>T2</h1>The quick red fox...<h1>T3</h1>... jumps over the lazy brown FROG';
   $DOM = new DOMDocument;

   //get all H1
   $items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('h1');

   //display all H1 text
   for ($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++)
        echo $items->item($i)->nodeValue . "<br/>";

This outputs as:


[EDIT]: After OP Clarification:

If you want the content like Lorem ipsum. etc, you can directly use this regex:

   $str = '<h1>T1</h1>Lorem ipsum.<h1>T2</h1>The quick red fox...<h1>T3</h1>... jumps over the lazy brown FROG';
   echo preg_replace("#<h1.*?>.*?</h1>#", "", $str);

this outputs:

Lorem ipsum.The quick red fox...... jumps over the lazy brown FROG