Using installed fonts in gnome-terminal

Recently I have been messing with gnome-terminal to make it look more appealing. I tried using installed fonts that were in my ~/.fonts folder (installed with Font Viewer) but when I edit the gnome-terminal profile, the installed font doesn't show up.

The font that I am trying to use is, and every other program that allows font changing works, as well as it being intstalled globally.

Am I installing them wrong, or is there a certian place they need to be?

What worked for me is putting the font files in ~/.local/share/fonts and then running,

$ sudo fc-cache -vf ~/.local/share/fonts

The fonts in ~/.local/share/fonts are available for all apps now.

The configuration GUI seems to filter non-monospace fonts.

A workaround is to use dconf directly to set fonts:

# get your profile id
dconf list '/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/'
# get your current font
dconf read '/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:PROFILE_ID/font'
# set the font, make sure you include those single quotes
dconf write '/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:PROFILE_ID/font' "'FreeMono 18'"