How do I set default player names, nations and AI difficulty?

When I want to start a new game of Freeciv, I am always presented with a screen like this:

Freeciv start game

I want to set some defaults so that I don't have to manually select the player nations every time I want to start a new game (this becomes tedious when the number of players is 30+).

I know how to set the default number of AI players (by using the aifill server option). But how can I set the default AI skill level, the default player names, and the default player nations?

In other words, I'd like to be automatically presented with something like this when I want to start a new game:

Freeciv pre-selected nations

How can I achieve this?

EDIT: Freeciv issue tracker:

The default AI level can be set with the hard server command. You can set it in a file with server commands and start Freeciv with the -r option to read that file.

A default player name or default nations cannot be set, as far as I'm aware, but my Freeciv knowledge is rusty.