Is there a way to force macOS to reinstall a set of USB drivers for a device?

I have a pair of headphones from Sennheiser that are no longer recognised, i.e. not shown as an output device in the Sound Preferences.

Solution 1:

Drivers and firmware get updated as part of OS installation and all OS installations now are archive and install which means the OS builds up a clean OS with all the drivers needed, patches firmware and then runs the migration script to move in any custom drivers you have.

That's a great first step if you ever feel your firmware or drivers are not up to snuff.

If you don't have a caching server locally - then download the OS installer from the Mac App Store then run the installer over lunch or when you're done for the evening. You can also boot to recovery or internet recovery on newer Macs and reinstall.

Caching server will cache the installer, so you might be done with the download at LAN speeds (6 minutes or less) and the install takes maybe 10 minutes for the part everyone has to run. Your migration could take 1 minute to 30 minutes based on how many software and extensions you have.