How to add words to Atom's spell checker dictionary?

Trying to get a bit more functionality out of Atom's spell checker and right now the false positives are making it less than useful.

How can I add a word to Atom's dictionary so it no longer shows up as misspelled?

Solution 1:

This feature was released in version 1.12 of Atom, implemented in Pull Request #120.

To enable it, checkmark the option labeled Add Known Words, found in Packages -> Settings View -> Open, or shortcut Cmd + ,. Then go to Packages tab and search for spell-check.

Then, to add a word to the builtin dictionary, press cmd-shift-: while the cursor is on the misspelled word and select the item named Add to Known Words.

Solution 2:

Looks like this feature does not exist yet in Atom.

Link in project's Github

Solution 3:

Flávio Camilo's solution works for me.

I'm using Atom 1.15.0 on debian jessie (8.7) in xfce4 (4.10.1) 'ctrl+shift+:' opens the list of suggested corrections. The last entry 'Add to Known Words' appears when it is enabled on the plugin settings. In main menu 'Edit -> Preferences -> Packages' search for 'spell-check' (i'm seeing version 0.70.2) click on 'settings' search the checkbox on item 'Add Known Words', enable it and restart atom.

NOTE: I needed to do this twice, on the first restart the 'tick' on 'Add Known Words' was lost somehow.

Solution 4:

Google brought me here and I guess it will happen to others as well, so:

There is an issue about this open at the spell-check Github project. The last comment says adding words to dictionary will probably be there for Atom 1.11. I don't know what the ETA is for that Atom version, but at the time I write the current stable release is 1.10.2, so I guess (sigh) soon.