Do monsters always inflict bludgeoning damage to each other?

As I acknowledge, monsters in World can flinch and even break part of others by their attack. Since monster attacks logically fall into "bludgeoning damage" because they slam each other for most of the time, I suspect they are always bludgeoning.

Well, are they? Glavenus, for example, has a blade at its tail, and Velkhana pierces with its sharp tail. Nergigante fires spikes from an impact point. Do they also count as bludgeoning, no exception? Is there a bullet damage among monsters? Are breath weapons by, for example, Rathalos, treated as bullet damage?

Also, is there a possibility that the subject damage is actually equivalent to explosions, like Gunlances, cluster ammo, or cannons?

At this time, Kiranico has somehow or another datamined attack values for each monster. They're in Japanese, but the tables look like this (scroll to the bottom):

enter image description here

Based on these values, it does appear that most Monster attacks deal KO damage. (Whether or not it makes sense to classify this as "Bludgeoning" damage is an exercise left up to the reader).

Further down the list you'll see Rathian's fireballs, which don't inflict stun. So the real answer is -- only monster attacks that are programmed to inflict KO damage... inflict KO damage, which doesn't seem particularly insightful! (But will make us honorary members of tautology club)

In particular, the Kulu-Ya-Ku's entry has 岩叩きつけ 40.00 80.00(KO) 0 40.00 which Google translate notes as "Rock Throwing" -- so there's the stun damage on the rock that you observed!