2017 Macbook Won't turn on - Displays battery icon

My wife's 2017 macbook won't turn on/charge. It just displays this battery icon, with the red bar of the battery flashing intermittently. It's currently plugged into the charger but this doesn't seem to have any effect.

Does anyone know what this means? Time to take it to the apple store?


Turned out my problem was that I'd bought a cheap USB C cable on amazon that had shorted and fried the USB C input port on the mac.

Had to buy some new parts from iFixit and replace the USB C input.

The system management controller is responsible for determining if the battery is healthy to charge, so I would try one time to reset that.

Then leave it off for 15 minutes or more on charge before seeking hardware repair.

Here is the detailed triage tree with links on how to do all the steps and how to get help if you can’t self repair this:

  • https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204267

If your Mac doesn't turn on or start up