AMD-Action:downloadProduct:SP error on clean install [duplicate]
Just wiped my hard drive on my MacBook Pro from 2013. Went to install a new copy of MacOS Sierra. I get the following error:
I looked online and tried change the date using the Utility Terminal and the following command:
date mmddHHMMyy
Then did
csrutil enable
csrutil clear
Then I tried clearing the NVRAM using command + option + P + R on startup.
Still no luck. Still getting the same error message. Apple support told me to go to a "computer repair store".
Any advice?
Solution 1:
I had the same problem with my Macbook Pro mid 2010. I tried everything, but Sierra installation allways crashed with AMD-Action:downloadProduct:SP error. Then I created install USB with OSX Mountain Lion and it worked flawlessly. I upgraded to Sierra later via App Store.