Why Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down won't move a window one workspace down in 13.10 [closed]

I tried to move a window one workspace down using the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down keyboard shortcut. It didn't work. I could get it to go left and right, but not down.

How can I fix this?

It seems the down arrow does not work at all (unless if I am in a word processor or Internet browser).

Solution 1:

That's not a bug, it's because in 13.10 the default shortcuts for moving a window one workspace down or up changed to Shift+Super+Page Down and Shift+Super+Page Up respectively:

Keyboard shortcuts

Solution 2:

This is a bug that will be fixed in an ubuntu session (unity

Fixed in 14.04, may be backported to 13.10, may not


Also the default does remain the correct bindings & can easily be reset in ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager) > wall > bindings > move with window within wall & clicking on the little x on far right to reset to default
