Disable "Break Mode" page in VS2015

The best solution I've found so far is to drag the "Break Mode" tab to the bottom of your screen (so it is attached like a toolbar window) and make it as small as possible. Then when you pause and get this screen it at least doesn't cover your existing view.

There is a free extension to resolve this issue: Disable No Source Available Tab available for from the VS Market Place.

This small extension will prevent the tool window with title "No Source Available" from appearing in Visual Studio, and preserve the focus on the currently active tab.

Under Tools → Options → Debugging → CHECK "Use Managed Compatibility Mode"

I had this annoying problem, too and did not realise, that i turned the Exception Settings to "Break on all exceptions". Then there where some Exceptions in external Code, where the debugger stopped, but I could not see the code, as it was in a Framework. Pretty annoying.

To reset Exception Settings in VS2017:

ctrl+al+e -> right click on the opening window -> reset to defaults

Maybe this helps someone =)