Where do I paste "-nointro", to skip ATS's all splash screens?

Solution 1:

There are 2 ways to do this.

1. Shortcut

  • Create a shortcut of the executable (it appears you already have one).

  • Right click on the shortcut, select "Properties", then switch to the "Shortcut" tab.

    Screenshot of Properties window

  • Add the option to "Target". In this case, replace -option with -nointro. If you need to enter more than one option, make sure each option is separated by a whitespace.

  • Make sure there is a whitespace between the path to the executable, and the option. It is possible the path is wrapped between quote marks ("). This is necessary if the path itself contains whitespaces. In this case, the "Target" would look like this:
    "C:\Games\Quake 2 RTX\q2rtx.exe" -option

2. Set Launch Options

If you're launching games directly from Steam or are using shortcuts created by Steam, this is the only option you have. From what I've seen, Steam does not synchronize Launch Options between devices, so there's no other reason to choose this way (besides preference, convenience, habit, etc).

  • In Steam, right-click on the game and select "Properties..."

    Screenshot of game context menu

  • Click on "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..."

    Screenshot of game Properties window
    Screenshot of "Set Launch Option" window

  • Enter your option in the next window. In this case, replace -option with -nointro. If you need to enter more than one option, make sure each option is separated by a whitespace.