Umbrella term for “penalty” and “bonus”

On Academia SE, there is a proposal to create a tag covering leniency and penalties towards students, where leniency is about not applying penalties or giving exceptional allowances or a bonus to a student due to mitigating circumstances or similar. Since leniency-and-penalties is pretty clumsy for a tag name, I am wondering whether there exists a better term covering both cases.

Given that in these context, penalty (or malus) is an antonym of the result of leniency (or bonus), it seems plausible to me that such a term exists. It feels as if it the term on the tip of my tongue (though I might be wrong about this or it may be in another language).

Indeed, the word handicap as used in sports and similar¹ fits these requirements, but this is usually not applied the intended context nor is it suited as a tag name, as it is also a synonym of disability, which is another, distinct tag.

Therefore I am asking for another umbrella term that generalises penalty, malus, allowance, bonus, and so on.

¹ “An allowance […], granted in a race (or other contest of skill) to the competitor possessing disadvantages; or an additional […] hindrance imposed upon the one possessing advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success.” (Wiktionary)

Solution 1:

Why not use terms used by educators when grading, like 'adjustment' or 'curve'?

Adjustment (MW, definition 5)

a correction or modification to reflect actual conditions

Curve (MW, noun definition 4)

a distribution indicating the relative performance of individuals measured against each other that is used especially in assigning good, medium, or poor grades to usually predetermined proportions of students rather than in assigning grades based on predetermined standards of achievement

For actual tag names, you could use 'grade-adjustment' or 'grade-on-a-curve'.