Hibernation is still missing from menu in 13.10 after enabling via polkit. How to enable?

I know that since 12.04, we need to add a policykit rule to enable hibernation (see question How to enable hibernation? and the Official Documentation).

I can successfully bring my laptop into hibernation mode with sudo pm-hibernate or sudo s2disk, so the rule is in place and works, but the hibernation entry is still missing in the menu.

I can tell from looking through the source of the indicator-session package (but not understanding the whole code) that there is still a hibernation menu entry in the code and it should be displayed when the system is capable of hibernating. Please calm down if you're enraged by this. This is very unlikely to be a conspiracy, but rather a bug/regression on a deeper level, which can happen when you move code around or replace it.

Question: What needs to be done in 13.10 to properly tell indicator-session that the system can hibernate?

Possible duplicate: Hibernation still not available - No activity, because saucy was in development at that time, so out of scope for AskUbuntu.

Related bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/1232814

Solution 1:

14.04 and beyond

Mitch points out in his answer for 14.04 and 16.04 that you should check 10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla before modifying anything. Also check that you have Secure Boot disabled and if that brings the menu option back.

Re-enabling the hibernation option in the menu

To re-enable the hibernation option in the menu, your /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla should be modified to look like the following in saucy (13.10):

[Re-enable hibernate by default in upower]

[Re-enable hibernate by default in logind]

Then reboot or run killall indicator-session-service in your session and you should have your hibernate functionality/menu option back. Create the file if it doesn't exist already.

Investigation from bug report

Citation from Jeffery To's post on Launchpad Bug Report #1232814:

For Saucy, indicator-session was updated to use logind (org.freedesktop.login1) instead of upower.

If you check /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla, you'll see that hibernate is disabled by default in both upower and logind.

So the first step to re-enable the Hibernate option is to edit /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla to something like:

[Re-enable hibernate by default in upower]

[Re-enable hibernate by default in logind]

After rebooting, the login screen session menu should have a Hibernate option.


All thanks and credit go to Jeffery!

Why was hibernation disabled?

There exists a bug report on launchpad that suggests disabling suspend/hibernate instead of tracking which hardware "certifies" for which power modes. It's claimed to be a more scalable approach.

Another thing to mention is that using UEFI Secure Boot and hibernation appears to be possible but may be a risk to circumvent the former. (1, 2) As a reminder, when you use hibernation you store everything in RAM to disk without encryption, this includes passwords for encrypted filesystems and containers.

At some point with 16.04 I had to disable Secure Boot to be able to hibernate my laptops. In my case I used uswsusp and testing with s2disk returned the message below. This may give you a hint that your issue, why you can't hibernate although everything else is in place, is related to Secure Boot:

s2disk: Could not open the snapshot device. Reason: Operation not permitted 

However, please understand that this is not a place to complain and please be nice.

Related questions

  • How can I tell Ubuntu to do nothing when I close my laptop lid? (or tell Ubuntu to hibernate when closing the laptop lid)

Solution 2:

If you still have problems in making hibernate work, check comment #58 on this bug report:

I found a workaround on ubuntu gnome 13.10: just install hibernate:

sudo apt-get install hibernate

The only problem is that apport will issue three errors when starting up after normal Power Off. For this you can disable apport:

sudo -H gedit /etc/default/apport

Then change enabled=0.

To change settings from hibernate edit files in /etc/hibernate.

Installing hibernate package seems to make the right changes and it worked very well for me in ubuntu gnome 13.10 x64

Solution 3:

If you have followed the previous steps and it still hasnt worked, I suggest that you change your /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_custom-ehci_hcd to:

[Re-enable hibernate by default in upower]

[Re-enable hibernate by default in logind]

to make it work, then follow the steps mentioned above to enable the hibernate option. This really worked for me.

At the end you are gonna have 2 files edited with "[Re-enable hibernate ... ]" Try this one. It will work for sure if you are using ubuntu 13.10

Solution 4:

One thing I would like to add here, which AFAICR, is unmounted swap partition. If the swap partition is not mounted the hibernate option will not be displayed/enabled irrespective of the hibernation configuration.

And if the swap partition doesn't automount then the hibernated session would be lost.