'init(start:end:)' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 3. Use the '..<' operator

Solution 1:

You should simply write

var continousDigitsRange1:Range<Int> = 0..<0

or if you want to go even simpler

var continousDigitsRange = 0..<0

Solution 2:

Also worth noting, to substringWithRange a String, you can now use

let theString = "Hello, how are you"
let range = theString.startIndex.advancedBy(start) ..< theString.startIndex.advancedBy(end)

Solution 3:

The closed range operator (a...b) defines a range that runs from a to b, and includes the values a and b. The value of a must not be greater than b.

The half-open range operator (a..<b) defines a range that runs from a to b, but does not include b. It is said to be half-open because it contains its first value, but not its final value. As with the closed range operator, the value of a must not be greater than b. If the value of a is equal to b, then the resulting range will be empty.

The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.2) - Basic Operators

var continousDigitsRange:Range<Int> = Range<Int>(start: 0, end: 0)
var continousDigitsRange:Range<Int> = 0..<0