Can I control the unique organ I get?

With the new Metamorph league I'm getting a ton of hearts to take back to Tane's lab. Is this just based on RNG or is there a way I can force a particular unique organ to drop after filling the Metamorph's rating on maps?

If you have multiple Unique organs, and you want a specific Unique organ to drop, you should aim for a combination of body parts that will still result in a juiced up metamorph, but only have one Unique part slotted in the desired drop part slot.

Example: Say you have the following:

  • a Unique Brain
  • a Unique Liver
  • a Unique Eyes

You are looking for a Unique Liver drop from the metamorph. Therefore you should aim for a combination that not only results in the maximum juice bar, but also looks something like:

  • Common/Magic/Rare Brain
  • Common/Magic/Rare Eyes
  • Common/Magic/Rare Lungs
  • Common/Magic/Rare Heart
  • Unique Liver

This will ensure that you always get a Unique Liver upon defeating the metamorph.

If you set up your metamorph as the following:

  • Unique Brain
  • Common/Magic/Rare Eyes
  • Common/Magic/Rare Lungs
  • Common/Magic/Rare Heart
  • Unique Liver

As of patch 3.9.1, every map boss has an equal unweighted chance to drop any of the 5 parts, so every boss can drop brains, eye, livers, lungs, and hearts.

This was a useful infographic I found while researching before Senpai provided their great answer. I'll just add it for completeness:

enter image description here