How do I install Pillow on my mac without pip?

I installed python using homebrew. It didn't come with pip, so I'm having trouble getting pillow installed. I tried to get xcode and build it from the source, but I can't get xcode because it requires software version 1.14 (or whichever the newest version is), but my macbook doesn't update to this. How do I get pillow?

You can install pip very easily (Though I think it should come with most python builds now.) using the following commands:

curl -o

In fact, you shouldn't even need homebrew to install python. You can get the latest versions of python 2 and python 3 as macos installer packages. Even without installing python, MacOS does include an (old) version of python 2.7 by default.

Once you've installed pip, you can type:

pip install Pillow

Also, I think you should still be able to download a version of Xcode compatible with your OS version.