What are the slots on my character information when I use cat form?

What are the slots (see pic below) that I get under my character bar when I enter cat mode? I'm a night elf restoration druid.

Also: should the bar on which my name is placed be full? does it indicate anything?

weird slots

Solution 1:

The bar on which your name is placed is simply a place for your name. It doesn't do anything other than displaying it.

The slots below your unit frame are reserved for combo points.

Rogues and druids in cat form have two resources: Energy and Combo points.

There are generator spells like Claw for example. They will cost energy and generate combo points. Those usually don't deal too much damage on their own.

Then there are spender spells like Rip. Those spells will consume all combo points you have built and they will amplify their effect, based on the amount of combo points consumed.