MacBook Pro having trouble sleeping

I'm sorry I can't give any answers directly related to your log.

However, I had similar problems like Macbook not waking up when I open it (Had to force reboot via power button), not successfully getting into sleep mode when I press sleep touchbar shortcut (Screen is blank but touchbar is still lit - also had to force reboot).

In my case I did these two basic first aid steps and it worked out for my cases.

  1. Reset PRAM. (Guide from Apple)

  2. Repair Boot partition. (Guide from Apple)

Well, I hope these two steps that require not too much time solve your problem, but if not, I think you should reinstall OSX. Pretty bad news, but at least good part is unlike Windows ~7 reinstall, OSX Reinstall does not purge userdata(for example, documents, desktop folder, etc) unless you manually reformat your starting disk.

If I had to guess, it would be the new proximitywake setting. Do you have any other Apple devices in the vicinity? There's not a lot of documentation on how it works exactly, but others have experienced similar.

So maybe try: pmset -a proximitywake 0

If that doesn't work, maybe do what I do, which is set a very low autopoweroffdelay. That is, I just have my machine power off cleanly if its closed for more than an hour. Saves energy, and a regular reboot shouldn't hurt, either.

I am having the same issue with the exact same log on Mac OS Catalina. The culprit here is handoff which keeps the Mac from sleeping.

As of now, the only solution I found was to turn off handoff under ‘System Preferences - General - uncheck Allow handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices.’

It is not a permanent solution but will conserve battery until we get a more permanent solution.