Any way to workaround WPF's calling of GC.Collect(2) aside from reflection?

I recently had to check in this monstrosity into production code to manipulate private fields in a WPF class: (tl;dr how do I avoid having to do this?)

private static class MemoryPressurePatcher
    private static Timer gcResetTimer;
    private static Stopwatch collectionTimer;
    private static Stopwatch allocationTimer;
    private static object lockObject;

    public static void Patch()
        Type memoryPressureType = typeof(Duration).Assembly.GetType("MS.Internal.MemoryPressure");
        if (memoryPressureType != null)
            collectionTimer = memoryPressureType.GetField("_collectionTimer", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.GetValue(null) as Stopwatch;
            allocationTimer = memoryPressureType.GetField("_allocationTimer", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.GetValue(null) as Stopwatch;
            lockObject = memoryPressureType.GetField("lockObj", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.GetValue(null);

            if (collectionTimer != null && allocationTimer != null && lockObject != null)
                gcResetTimer = new Timer(ResetTimer);
                gcResetTimer.Change(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

    private static void ResetTimer(object o)
        lock (lockObject)

To understand why I would do something so crazy, you need to look at MS.Internal.MemoryPressure.ProcessAdd():

/// <summary>
/// Check the timers and decide if enough time has elapsed to
/// force a collection
/// </summary>
private static void ProcessAdd()
    bool shouldCollect = false;

    if (_totalMemory >= INITIAL_THRESHOLD)
        // need to synchronize access to the timers, both for the integrity
        // of the elapsed time and to ensure they are reset and started
        // properly
        lock (lockObj)
            // if it's been long enough since the last allocation
            // or too long since the last forced collection, collect
            if (_allocationTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= INTER_ALLOCATION_THRESHOLD
                || (_collectionTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_COLLECTIONS))

                shouldCollect = true;

        // now that we're out of the lock do the collection
        if (shouldCollect)


The important bit is near the end, where it calls the method Collect():

private static void Collect()
    // for now only force Gen 2 GCs to ensure we clean up memory
    // These will be forced infrequently and the memory we're tracking
    // is very long lived so it's ok

Yes, that's WPF actually forcing a gen 2 garbage collection, which forces a full blocking GC. A naturally occurring GC happens without blocking on the gen 2 heap. What this means in practice is that whenever this method is called, our entire app locks up. The more memory your app is using, and the more fragmented your gen 2 heap is, the longer it will take. Our app presently caches quite a bit of data and can easily take up a gig of memory and the forced GC can lock up our app on a slow device for several seconds -- every 850 MS.

For despite the author's protestations to the contrary, it is easy to arrive at a scenario where this method is called with great frequency. This memory code of WPF's occurs when loading a BitmapSource from a file. We virtualize a listview with thousands of items where each item is represented by a thumbnail stored on disk. As we scroll down, we are dynamically loading in those thumbnails, and that GC is happening at maximum frequency. So scrolling becomes unbelievably slow and choppy with the app locking up constantly.

With that horrific reflection hack I mentioned up top, we force the timers to never be met, and thus WPF never forces the GC. Furthermore, there appear to be no adverse consequences -- memory grows as one scrolls and eventually a GC is triggered naturally without locking up the main thread.

Is there any other option to prevent those calls to GC.Collect(2) that is not so flagrantly hideous as my solution? Would love to get an explanation for what the concrete problems are that might arise from following through with this hack. By that I mean problems with avoiding the call to GC.Collect(2). (seems to me the GC occurring naturally ought to be sufficient)

Notice: Do this only if it causes a bottleneck in your app, and make sure you understand the consequences - See Hans's answer for a good explanation on why they put this in WPF in the first place.

You have some nasty code there trying to fix a nasty hack in the framework... As it's all static and called from multiple places in WPF, you can't really do better than use reflection to break it (other solutions would be much worse).

So don't expect a clean solution there. No such thing exists unless they change the WPF code.

But I think your hack could be simpler and avoid using a timer: just hack the _totalMemory value and you're done. It's a long, which means it can go to negative values. And very big negative values at that.

private static class MemoryPressurePatcher
    public static void Patch()
        var memoryPressureType = typeof(Duration).Assembly.GetType("MS.Internal.MemoryPressure");
        var totalMemoryField = memoryPressureType?.GetField("_totalMemory", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

        if (totalMemoryField?.FieldType != typeof(long))

        var currentValue = (long) totalMemoryField.GetValue(null);

        if (currentValue >= 0)
            totalMemoryField.SetValue(null, currentValue + long.MinValue);

Here, now your app would have to allocate about 8 exabytes before calling GC.Collect. Needless to say, if this happens you'll have bigger problems to solve. :)

If you're worried about the possibility of an underflow, just use long.MinValue / 2 as the offset. This still leaves you with 4 exabytes.

Note that AddToTotal actually performs bounds checking of _totalMemory, but it does this with a Debug.Assert here:

Debug.Assert(newValue >= 0);

As you'll be using a release version of the .NET Framework, these asserts will be disabled (with a ConditionalAttribute), so there's no need to worry about that.

You've asked what problems could arise with this approach. Let's take a look.

  • The most obvious one: MS changes the WPF code you're trying to hack.

    Well, in that case, it pretty much depends on the nature of the change.

    • They change the type name/field name/field type: in that case, the hack will not be performed, and you'll be back to stock behavior. The reflection code is pretty defensive, it won't throw an exception, it just won't do anything.

    • They change the Debug.Assert call to a runtime check which is enabled in the release version. In that case, your app is doomed. Any attempt to load an image from disk will throw. Oops.

      This risk is mitigated by the fact that their own code is pretty much a hack. They don't intend it to throw, it should go unnoticed. They want it to sit quiet and fail silently. Letting images load is a much more important feature which should not be impaired by some memory management code whose only purpose is to keep memory usage to a minimum.

    • In the case of your original patch in the OP, if they change the constant values, your hack may stop working.

    • They change the algorithm while keeping the class and field intact. Well... anything could happen, depending on the change.

  • Now, let's suppose the hack works and disables the GC.Collect call successfully.

    The obvious risk in this case is increased memory usage. Since collections will be less frequent, more memory will be allocated at a given time. This should not be a big issue, since collections would still occur naturally when gen 0 fills up.

    You'd also have more memory fragmentation, this is a direct consequence of fewer collections. This may or may not be a problem for you - so profile your app.

    Fewer collections also means fewer objects are promoted to a higher generation. This is a good thing. Ideally, you should have short-lived objects in gen 0, and long-lived objects in gen 2. Frequent collections will actually cause short-lived objects to be promoted to gen 1 and then to gen 2, and you'll end up with many unreachable objects in gen 2. These will only be cleaned up with a gen 2 collection, will cause heap fragmentation, and will actually increase the GC time, since it'll have to spend more time compacting the heap. This is actually the primary reason why calling GC.Collect yourself is considered a bad practice - you're actively defeating the GC strategy, and this affects the whole application.

In any case, the correct approach would be to load the images, scale them down and display these thumbnails in your UI. All of this processing should be done in a background thread. In the case of JPEG images, load the embedded thumbnails - they may be good enough. And use an object pool so you don't need to instantiate new bitmaps each time, this completely bypasses the MemoryPressure class problem. And yes, that's exactly what the other answers suggest ;)

I think what you have is just fine. Well done, nice hack, Reflection is an awesome tool to fix wonky framework code. I've used it myself many times. Just limit its usage to the view that displays the ListView, it is too dangerous to have it active all the time.

Noodling a bit about the underlying problem, the horrid ProcessAdd() hack is of course very crude. It is a consequence of BitmapSource not implementing IDisposable. A questionable design decision, SO is filled with questions about it. However, about all of them are about the opposite problem, this timer not being quick enough to keep up. It just doesn't work very well.

There isn't anything you can do to change the way this code works. The values it works off are const declarations. Based on values that might have been appropriate 15 years ago, the probable age of this code. It starts at one megabyte and calls "10s of MB" a problem, life was simpler back then :) They forgot to write it so it scales properly, GC.AddMemoryPressure() would probably be fine today. Too little too late, they can't fix this anymore without dramatically altering program behavior.

You can certainly defeat the timer and avoid your hack. Surely the problem you have right now is that its Interval is about the same as the rate at which a user scrolls through the ListView when he doesn't read anything but just tries to find the record of interest. That's a UI design problem that's so common with list views with thousands of rows, an issue you probably don't want to address. What you need to do is cache the thumbnails, gathering the ones you know you'll likely need next. Best way to do that is to do so in a threadpool thread. Measure time while you do this, you can spend up to 850 msec. That code is however not going to be smaller than what you have now, not much prettier either.