How can I remove the top panel in Unity?

Solution 1:

Not a complete answer, but you'll need to disable Global Menu first :

sudo -s
echo "export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=" > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81ubuntumenuproxy

Then restart your computer. If you want the Global Menus restored, simply remove that file (sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81ubuntumenuproxy).

After that, if you can delete the top panel somehow, at least you'll keep most of your functionality. You'll need some kind of replacement for some of the indicators, like network-manager and the session menu.

Solution 2:

Install cairo Dock and During login Change the environment to "cd" by clicking on the Ubuntu symbol at top of use name entry during login...By this you'll eliminate top panel but will miss the dash and unity scopes.