Where have the Keyboard Layout Options gone in Ubuntu 13.10? [duplicate]

In 13.04 or below I only needed to access the keyboard layout and then click on the Options button as seen in the image below:

enter image description here

In 13.10 the Options button is missing as seen in the following image:

enter image description here

So what is the new method to access any and all Keyboard Layout Options. In my case I wish to activate 3 of them, from killing X, to some custom keys.

That's what GNOME developers decided. Instead, you can access equivalent setting menu in gnome-tweak-tool.

Try install gnome-tweak-tool in official repository and go to typing section.

It seems that this is by design; there has been a reorganization of the keyboard/input methods. Now the keyboard configuration is accessed by system settings -> keyboard, tab shortcut, Typing entries:

keyboard typing shortcuts

But quite a lot of options is just not here anymore, like the settings for ctrl-alt-backspace.

There is now a specific issue opened in Launchpad to ask that back: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1245064

By the way, on Nov. 2, 2013, there are still quite a handful of bugs with the change, which you can explore with the quite long and detailed list of related bug linked in the description of the issue aforementioned.

It's still possible to make the change from the command line using dpkg. Credit goes to this site: http://www.humans-enabled.com/2013/10/ubuntu-1310-enable-controlaltbackspace.html. To sum up what's written there, you can open a terminal and enter

sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

This will take you through a series of options for the keyboard; for the first 4 or 5 just hit enter to keep things as is, and you'll end up with the option to enable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.