Duplicating a TABLE using Microsoft SQL Server Management

In SSMS open a new query window and then do something like

FROM OldTable

change NewTable to the name that the new table should have, change OldTable to the name of the current table

this will copy over the basic table structure and all the data...it will NOT do any of the constraints, you need to script those out and change the names in those scripts

An easy way to copy a table and all of it's data:


The SCHEMA_NAME is often dbo

To duplicate a table and the data rows in the table, right-click on the database that contains the table you want to duplicate, then click 'Tasks' then 'Import Data...". See the screenshot below for visual representation. Then, follow the instructions in the "SQL Server Import and Export Wizard." Select the table to be duplicated as the 'source' and write in a made-up table name of your choice for the 'destination'. When finished on the last screen (see screenshot below), click 'Next', then 'Finish' and the Wizard will show you the progress of the data transfer until complete.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I prefere the copy / paste solution as it is documented here. It works for Management Studio 2005 upwards. You just have to select all columns in the design then Edit -> Copy. Create a new table and the Edit -> Paste. This, at least, copies default values but of course doesn't copy the actual data.