switching between tabs in sublime "ctrl+tab"

Solution 1:

The default behavior is to goto tab you have used at last. Just add this keybinding to your user keybindings:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+tab"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"], "command": "prev_view" },

Solution 2:

In sublime text 3, there is shortcut to switch tab in similar to ctrl+tab in browser.

{ "keys": ["ctrl+pagedown"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+pageup"], "command": "prev_view" },

While this ctrl+tab has behavior similar to windows alt+tab to switch apps. CMIIW.

{ "keys": ["ctrl+tab"], "command": "next_view_in_stack" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"], "command": "prev_view_in_stack" },

You can just make custom key binding and swap them around.

And for anyone looking for shortcut to move tab to left & right, there is a plugin for that.