In Ubuntu, is there any terminal that allows for the position of the cursor to be moved with the mouse?

Solution 1:

Use emacs.

sudo apt-get install emacs

Upon the install, start emacs: emacs

Press Alt+X, and type term and press Enter. Voila!

You have a terminal where you can change the cursor position with mouse.

If mouse click does not change the cursor (in 99% of the cases, it will, by default), then put (xterm-mouse-mode t) in your .emacs file:

echo (xterm-mouse-mode t) > ~/.emacs

Solution 2:

The terminal itself can take mouse input. You can test this opening a text file with nano and enabling mouse

(M-M)                   Mouse support enable/disable

(On my keyboard that's ESC+M.)

Then you can change the position of the cursor by clicking.
If you are asking about changing the position of cursor in the SHELL, there was a discussion in ubuntuforums mentioning gpm. There is also a duplicate of this question in stackoverflow with some alternatives proposed.

Solution 3:

echo -e "\e[?1000;1006;1015h" # Enable mouse tracking

Script : I made a bash script to move bash readline cursor on mouse click on my github

Details : Read my answer in another post