What is the antonym of likewise?

I want to connect the following sentences with an appropriate word.

Violation of rights triggers war. Prevention of violation of rights prevents war.

Is the antonym of likewise suitable for this?

Solution 1:

I would consider Conversely.

As defined on Vocabulary.com:

It is often used to introduce an idea that is different from one stated before.

Solution 2:

A useful word you rarely see is contrariwise:

'I know what you're thinking about,' said Tweedledum; 'but it isn't so, nohow.'

'Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.'

Violation of rights triggers war. Contrariwise, prevention of violation of rights prevents war.

But that "prevention of violation of" excites horror aequi. It would be more graceful and more emphatic to write

Violation of rights triggers war. Contrariwise, preventing violation of rights prevents war.

Solution 3:

Is the antonym of likewise suitable for this?

No. An antonym to likewise would be something like:

conversely, otherwise, differently, however, contrarily,
contrariwise, on the contrary, oppositely ...

This would indicate that one statement in some way "excludes" the other statement.

What you really want to convey, is that the two statements are "similar" or "related", and that one statement follows from the other.

I think consequently or even simply the word so fits to link the two sentences:

Violation of rights triggers war, consequently, prevention of violation of rights prevents war. Violation of rights triggers war, so, prevention of violation of rights prevents war.