XML Rendering errors Android preview N

This is bug in Android Studio. Usually you get error: Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

WORKAROUND: If you have installed Android N, change Android rendering version with older one and the problem will disappear.

SOLUTION: Install Android SDK Tools 25.1.3 (tools) or higher

enter image description here


After Updating Android SDK Tools 25.1.3 It will remove automatically that bug.

Update your SDK Tools.

enter image description here


I got same problem after updating sdk with android-n-preview

enter image description here

I think there is some bug in API level N, I really appreciate the answer of Ivo Stoyanov but I found another solution that is:

First of all I have change Android Version to use when Rendering layout in IDE with API 23: Android 6.0

enter image description here

Now Error is gone away. I don't know exactly why but Now Its doesn't seems to me.

Thank you :)

It cause while rendering version is Andorid API 23: AndroidN(Preview). Need to change it android-n. It is a Issue 203683: Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

I had similar kind of error. I followed the steps mentioned above. I changed the preview version to older version and it worked.

Screenshot for the same