Add tab completion for Git branches in Powershell

For that to be possible, a git provider for PowerShell would need to exist.

After a quick search, something similar apparently exists, the bizarre but aptly named posh-git:

A set of PowerShell scripts which provide Git/PowerShell integration

  • Prompt for Git repositories: The prompt within Git repositories can show the current branch and the state of files (additions, modifications,
    deletions) within.
  • Tab completion: Provides tab completion for common commands when using git. E.g. git ch<tab> --> git checkout


See profile.example.ps1 as to how you can integrate the tab completion and/or git prompt into your own profile. You can also choose whether advanced git commands are shown in the tab expansion or only simple/common commands. Default is simple.

I wrote this little PS "gem", if posh-git is too much.
Just put it in your PowerShell profile to be able to type co  (with a space) and hit Tab to trigger completion and cycle through the list of branches:

function co
            param($pCmd, $pParam, $pWord, $pAst, $pFakes)

            $branchList = (git branch --format='%(refname:short)')

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($pWord)) {
                return $branchList;

            $branchList | Select-String "$pWord"
        [string] $branch

    git checkout $branch;

UPDATE: refactored to return a list of branches when tab-completion invoked after space and no partial string can be matched. Will return "master" if this is only one branch

As a bonus, did you know you can call TortoiseGit from shell?

function dif
    TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:repostatus