How do I update JSON file using PowerShell

I have one json file mytest.json like below I want to update values using PowerShell script


    "update": [
            "Name": "test1",        
            "Version": "2.1"
            "Name": "test2",        
            "Version": "2.1"

I want to write a PowerShell script where if Name=="test1" I want to update Version= "3" How can i do it using parameters?

Solution 1:

Here is a way :

$a = Get-Content 'D:\temp\mytest.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$a.update | % {if($ -eq 'test1'){$_.version=3.0}}
$a | ConvertTo-Json -depth 32| set-content 'D:\temp\mytestBis.json'

According to @FLGMwt and @mikemaccana I improve the ConvertTo-Json with -depth 32 because the default depth value is 2 and for object deeper than 2 you will receive class informations in spite of objects.

Solution 2:

I have also faced the same kind of issue. I was looking to change the records of the below JSON file

"REGION":  "region1",
"BUCKET":  "test-bucket",
"AE_WORK_PATH":  "C:\\workpath\\path1",
"ENV":  "env"


Finally, I managed to find the easiest way to generate a JSON file from Powershell.

$json = Get-Content "c:\users\bharat.gadade\desktop\test.json" | ConvertFrom-Json 
$json.SQS_QUEUE_URL = ""
$json.REGION = "region1 "
$json.BUCKET = "test-bucket"
$json.AE_WORK_PATH = "C:\workpath\path1"
$json.ENV = "env"
$json | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "c:\users\bharat.gadade\desktop\test.json"