Basic wiki engine to a personal site

Solution 1: is a great place to start when you are looking for the right wiki.

Just reading the list of features available will help you along.

You may want to look into It works fine with Apacheauth (no worrying about the wiki logon being safe), and happily accepts LDAP Auth through Apache. It saves the posts in plain text files and is easily expanded by plugins. The learning curve is nice and flat, although it is a rather powerful software if you wish to delve deeply.

Solution 2:

Do not forget Trac - it is lightweight (but not PHP based), includes a wiki, runs on Linux and provides membership with access control.

Wiki System

  • WIKI_VIEW - View existing wiki pages
  • WIKI_CREATE - Create new wiki pages
  • WIKI_MODIFY - Change wiki pages
  • WIKI_DELETE - Delete wiki pages and attachments
  • WIKI_ADMIN - All WIKI_* permissions, plus the management of readonly pages.

Solution 3:

I like ikiwiki because it can store the wiki pages in a real source control system (I use Git). This means I can edit my wiki offline and merge the pages later using all the standard Git features.

Ikiwiki also supports Markdown by default, which is a nice lightweight markup language.

Solution 4:

If you're open for a Windows Server solution, there is a very good platform:

ScrewTurn Wiki by Dario Solera.

It's an open source project, written in C#/.NET. We use it for our internal documentation in my company and very happy with it. The setup is simple and it has a nice feature set including the ones you mention:

ScrewTurn Wiki is a performant and simple Wiki engine, written in C# and based on the ASP.NET 2.0 platform. Its main features are described below.

  • Free and open-source
  • No need for a database (but SQL Server and MySQL are supported with Plugins)
  • No need to touch IIS or ASP.NET configuration (works in ASP.NET Medium Trust environment)
  • High performance and scalability on every hardware configuration, thanks to a smart and configurable content caching system
  • Low bandwidth usage, thanks to the (configurable) usage of custom ViewState Compression and HTTP Compression
  • Simple deployment, administration and usage
  • Small footprint
  • Theming available entirely through CSS files (CSS Media Types are fully supported)
  • Automatic page backups (performing a rollback is as easy as a mouse click)
  • Simple user accounting system (with Administrators and Users and a built-in admin account)
  • Useful features such as Page-level coarse-grained authorization, the possibility to make the Wiki completely public (no registration needed to edit pages) or Private (anonymous access is not allowed)
  • Page Categorization and Discussion
  • Page Transclusion and Snippets
  • Plugins support (see documentation)
  • Protection against dangerous files, scripts and spammers (Captcha control on registration)
  • Multilanguage interface (English, Italian, French, Spanish, German and other 13 languages)
  • RSS 2.0 notifications for every page as well as for the whole Wiki and for Page Discussions