Do the Treasure Maps serve any purpose?

I've been accumulating treasure maps as I travel Skyrim:

enter image description here

enter image description here

So do these serve any purpose? Can they actually lead me to a treasure? If so, is there anyway to interpret the location other than guessing?

Well, if you can figure out where they're pointing, they'll lead you to a chest!

See this from Reddit.

I'd link directly to the image, but it's huge. Bottom line, there are at least 10 of these, each of which leads to a randomly generated chest of loot. (The location isn't random. The contents are.)

The treasure maps WILL lead you to treasure. It is up to you to decipher the location.

The image depicted in the lower map is the windmill south of Whiterun. The treasure is on the moutainside nearby,

Looking at the treasure map causes the treasure to appear at the shown location. After reading the map, you can toss it and the treasure will still be there. The map doesn't technically have to be in your inventory, but I would suggest keeping it until you find the treasure, just in case.