Link to a specific location in a Flask template

In HTML I can link directly to a specific location on a page, assuming there's an element with the given id:

<a href="">Go there</a> 

In Flask I tried to add the anchor to render_template but I get jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: stuff.html#exactlocation.

def exactlocation():
    return render_template('stuff.html#exactlocation')

How do I link to a specific location in a template?

Solution 1:

Thanks to dirn's comments I managed to get this working with the code below.

Pass the _anchor keyword to url_for to append an anchor to the generated URL.

nav menu:

<a href="{{ url_for('.stuff', _anchor='exactlocation') }}">Go to specific id on suff page</a>

Flask route:

def stuff():
    return render_template('stuff.html')


<section id="exactlocation">