What is the word for when someone is overly nice and actually isn't nice at all? [closed]

What is the word for when someone is overly nice and actually isn't nice at all because of the unnecessary added information/comments? For example, they will say things like "Your hair looks so good that wayyyy omg you should do it that way ALL the time! Looks way better than how you usually do it." And the word I'm looking for is not passive aggressive and it is not sarcasm. There is a word for these types of people. What is it? These people think they're being kind but actually blunt and rude. Another example would be for someone to say "hey you're beautiful, but maybe if you didn't wear harsh makeup you would look better" and they intend to sound like they're being nice when you know they don't like you and are saying in out of spite.

Solution 1:

A backhanded compliment is one that isn't really a compliment at all, as in your example. This doesn't, however, imply anything about the speaker's intent.

Solution 2:

If they really don't mean it they are insincere, and if they say it in a really smarmy, unctuous way they are obsequious.

Solution 3:

I think you are looking for 'saccharine'. It can be applied to the speaker primarily, but could also be used to describe the words, the sentiment, etc.

sweet or sentimental in a way that does not seem sincere or genuine


An alternative definition (4th) from dictionary.com in particular would match your example.

cloyingly agreeable or ingratiating

Solution 4:

left-handed compliment

A compliment with two meanings, one of which is unflattering to the receiver: “The senator said that her opponent was quite competent for someone so inexperienced; you hear nothing but left-handed compliments in these debates.”

Also, backhanded compliment. An insult in the guise of an expression of praise. For example, She said she liked my hair, but it turned out to be a left-handed compliment when she asked how long I'd been dyeing it. This expression uses left-handed in the sense of “questionable or doubtful,” a usage dating from about 1600.
