C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing

I'm new to unit testing and I'm trying to figure out if I should start using more of internal access modifier. I know that if we use internal and set the assembly variable InternalsVisibleTo, we can test functions that we don't want to declare public from the testing project. This makes me think that I should just always use internal because at least each project (should?) have its own testing project. Can you guys tell me why I shouldn't do this? When should I use private?

Internal classes need to be tested and there is an assembly attribute:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;


Add this to the project info file, e.g. Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, for the project under test. In this case "MyTests" is the test project.

If you want to test private methods, have a look at PrivateObject and PrivateType in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting namespace. They offer easy to use wrappers around the necessary reflection code.

Docs: PrivateType, PrivateObject

For VS2017 & 2019, you can find these by downloading the MSTest.TestFramework nuget

Adding to Eric's answer, you can also configure this in the csproj file:

    <AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo">

Or if you have one test project per project to be tested, you could do something like this in your Directory.Build.props file:

    <AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo">

See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49978185/1678053
Example: https://github.com/gldraphael/evlog/blob/master/Directory.Build.props#L5-L12

I'm using .NET Core 3.1.101 and the .csproj additions that worked for me were:

  <!-- Explicitly generate Assembly Info -->

  <AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute">

Keep using private by default. If a member shouldn't be exposed beyond that type, it shouldn't be exposed beyond that type, even to within the same project. This keeps things safer and tidier - when you're using the object, it's clearer which methods you're meant to be able to use.

Having said that, I think it's reasonable to make naturally-private methods internal for test purposes sometimes. I prefer that to using reflection, which is refactoring-unfriendly.

One thing to consider might be a "ForTest" suffix:

internal void DoThisForTest(string name)

private void DoThis(string name)
    // Real implementation

Then when you're using the class within the same project, it's obvious (now and in the future) that you shouldn't really be using this method - it's only there for test purposes. This is a bit hacky, and not something I do myself, but it's at least worth consideration.