How to set <Text> text to upper case in react native

How to set <Text> some text </Text> as upper case in react native?

<Text style={{}}> Test </Text>

Need to show that Test as TEST.

Solution 1:

iOS textTransform support has been added to react-native in 0.56 version. Android textTransform support has been added in 0.59 version. It accepts one of these options:

  • none
  • uppercase
  • lowercase
  • capitalize

The actual iOS commit, Android commit and documentation


  <Text style={{ textTransform: 'uppercase'}}>
    This text should be uppercased.
  <Text style={{ textTransform: 'capitalize'}}>
    Mixed:{' '}
    <Text style={{ textTransform: 'lowercase'}}>
      lowercase{' '}

Solution 2:

@Cherniv Thanks for the answer

<Text style={{}}> {'Test'.toUpperCase()} </Text>

Solution 3:

use text transform property in your style tag


Solution 4:

React Native .toUpperCase() function works fine in a string but if you used the numbers or other non-string data types, it doesn't work. The error will have occurred.

Below Two are string properties:

