500 Error when setting up Swagger in asp .net CORE / MVC 6 app

Solution 1:

Initially I got a 500 error too. Deep down in the stacktrace it said: System.NotSupportedException: Unbounded HTTP verbs for path 'api/hotels'. Are you missing an HttpMethodAttribute?

It turned out I was missing a HttpGet attribute for one of my api methods:


Solution 2:

If someone want to know the exact error is in the Swagger's stack trace, request the URL:


Or, click on the swagger.json link from the browser dev tools console:

Chrome DevTools with error log

Which will show the error in your IDE Output:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I got this error when one of my functions was marked as public, but wasn't meant to be a web service which could be called directly.

Changing the function to private made the error go away.

Alternatively, immediately before your public function, you can put the [NonAction] command, to tell Swagger to ignore it.

public async Task<IActionResult> SomeEvent(string id)

(I wish Swagger would actually report the name of the function which caused this problem though, rather than just complaining that it could no longer find the "../swagger/v1/swagger.json" file... that's not particularly useful.)

Solution 4:

Firstly you can enable de developer exception page by adding app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); on your Configure() in order to see better which is the root cause. Take a look here

In my case the problem was that I have to install also Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles nuget in order to make Swagger work.

Try also to uninstall/reinstall Swashbuckle.AspNetCore nuget.