What is the best way to use a HashMap in C++?

Solution 1:

The standard library includes the ordered and the unordered map (std::map and std::unordered_map) containers. In an ordered map the elements are sorted by the key, insert and access is in O(log n). Usually the standard library internally uses red black trees for ordered maps. But this is just an implementation detail. In an unordered map insert and access is in O(1). It is just another name for a hashtable.

An example with (ordered) std::map:

#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  std::map<std::string, int> m;
  m["hello"] = 23;
  // check if key is present
  if (m.find("world") != m.end())
    std::cout << "map contains key world!\n";
  // retrieve
  std::cout << m["hello"] << '\n';
  std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = m.find("hello");
  assert(i != m.end());
  std::cout << "Key: " << i->first << " Value: " << i->second << '\n';
  return 0;


Key: hello Value: 23

If you need ordering in your container and are fine with the O(log n) runtime then just use std::map.

Otherwise, if you really need a hash-table (O(1) insert/access), check out std::unordered_map, which has a similar to std::map API (e.g. in the above example you just have to search and replace map with unordered_map).

The unordered_map container was introduced with the C++11 standard revision. Thus, depending on your compiler, you have to enable C++11 features (e.g. when using GCC 4.8 you have to add -std=c++11 to the CXXFLAGS).

Even before the C++11 release GCC supported unordered_map - in the namespace std::tr1. Thus, for old GCC compilers you can try to use it like this:

#include <tr1/unordered_map>

std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int> m;

It is also part of boost, i.e. you can use the corresponding boost-header for better portability.

Solution 2:

A hash_map is an older, unstandardized version of what for standardization purposes is called an unordered_map (originally in TR1, and included in the standard since C++11). As the name implies, it's different from std::map primarily in being unordered -- if, for example, you iterate through a map from begin() to end(), you get items in order by key1, but if you iterate through an unordered_map from begin() to end(), you get items in a more or less arbitrary order.

An unordered_map is normally expected to have constant complexity. That is, an insertion, lookup, etc., typically takes essentially a fixed amount of time, regardless of how many items are in the table. An std::map has complexity that's logarithmic on the number of items being stored -- which means the time to insert or retrieve an item grows, but quite slowly, as the map grows larger. For example, if it takes 1 microsecond to lookup one of 1 million items, then you can expect it to take around 2 microseconds to lookup one of 2 million items, 3 microseconds for one of 4 million items, 4 microseconds for one of 8 million items, etc.

From a practical viewpoint, that's not really the whole story though. By nature, a simple hash table has a fixed size. Adapting it to the variable-size requirements for a general purpose container is somewhat non-trivial. As a result, operations that (potentially) grow the table (e.g., insertion) are potentially relatively slow (that is, most are fairly fast, but periodically one will be much slower). Lookups, which cannot change the size of the table, are generally much faster. As a result, most hash-based tables tend to be at their best when you do a lot of lookups compared to the number of insertions. For situations where you insert a lot of data, then iterate through the table once to retrieve results (e.g., counting the number of unique words in a file) chances are that an std::map will be just as fast, and quite possibly even faster (but, again, the computational complexity is different, so that can also depend on the number of unique words in the file).

1 Where the order is defined by the third template parameter when you create the map, std::less<T> by default.