Show crosshair while holding knife with cl_crosshairstyle 1

Solution 1:

One possible way to get a permanent ingame crosshair (only with NVIDIA Geforce Experience):

  1. Download NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

  2. Search for your "NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\ShaderMod (My path was: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\ShaderMod").

  3. Change one of the Sticker.png (for example Sticker00.png) with your crosshair png. (For example (small Dot-Crosshair)).

  4. If not already done, open GeForce Experience again and activate the ingame overlay in the "general" settings.

  5. Activate "Enable experimental features", also in the "general" settings.

  6. Then open up the ingame overlay with the proper keybind (standart should be ALT+Z).

  7. Click on "Game Filter" on the left side of the menu -> choose any "style" -> filter by "stickers" -> pick the one you replaced by your crosshair.

  8. Now you can set the the size of it, while it should always stay on the middle of your screen.

  9. After activating your "crosshair sticker" you can close the menu with the same keybind.

Hope this helps :)

Solution 2:

csgo release notes for 10/7/2019:

This issue was finally fixed by valve. As you can see in the picture, now, default crosshairs (cl_crosshairstyle 1) behave like the others.

enter image description here

I'm glad this was finally fixed since this has been around since 2014 I think.