Solution 1:

You can simply use android:src attribute instead compat attribute when you set vector resource by DataBinding.

DataBinding library generates class that execute setImageResource method at runtime.


According to setImageResource method can be used at runtime on older system versions without any additional changes.

If you would like to use app:srcCompat attribute. You must define @BindingMethods annotation which connects attribute with appropriate setter from ImageView. For example in your Activity or Fragment add.

    @BindingMethod(type = android.widget.ImageView.class,
            attribute = "app:srcCompat",
            method = "setImageDrawable") })
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
   // your activity body here


Solution 2:

You may have to resort to using a binding adapter with a method signature similar to the following:

public static void bindSrcCompat(ImageView imageView, Drawable drawable){
    // Your setter code goes here, like setDrawable or similar

Here is the reference:

Solution 3:

The proposed answers mainly worked for me but I also needed to add this line in my Application:


Doing so allows me to use vector drawables in older versions without needing to worry about compat classes or attributes