How can I find the latitude and longitude from address?
I want to show the location of an address in Google Maps.
How do I get the latitude and longitude of an address using the Google Maps API?
public GeoPoint getLocationFromAddress(String strAddress) {
Geocoder coder = new Geocoder(this);
List<Address> address;
GeoPoint p1 = null;
try {
address = coder.getFromLocationName(strAddress, 5);
if (address == null) {
return null;
Address location = address.get(0);
p1 = new GeoPoint((double) (location.getLatitude() * 1E6),
(double) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6));
return p1;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
is a string containing the address. The address
variable holds the converted addresses.
Ud_an's solution with updated API's
Note: LatLng class is part of Google Play Services.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
Update: If you have target SDK 23 and above, make sure you take care of runtime permission for location.
public LatLng getLocationFromAddress(Context context,String strAddress) {
Geocoder coder = new Geocoder(context);
List<Address> address;
LatLng p1 = null;
try {
// May throw an IOException
address = coder.getFromLocationName(strAddress, 5);
if (address == null) {
return null;
Address location = address.get(0);
p1 = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude() );
} catch (IOException ex) {
return p1;
If you want to place your address in google map then easy way to use following
Intent searchAddress = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q="+address));
if you needed to get lat long from your address then use Google Place Api following
create a method that returns a JSONObject with the response of the HTTP Call like following
public static JSONObject getLocationInfo(String address) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
try {
address = address.replaceAll(" ","%20");
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("" + address + "&sensor=false");
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response;
stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
response = client.execute(httppost);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream stream = entity.getContent();
int b;
while ((b = != -1) {
stringBuilder.append((char) b);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(stringBuilder.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return jsonObject;
now pass that JSONObject to getLatLong() method like following
public static boolean getLatLong(JSONObject jsonObject) {
try {
longitute = ((JSONArray)jsonObject.get("results")).getJSONObject(0)
latitude = ((JSONArray)jsonObject.get("results")).getJSONObject(0)
} catch (JSONException e) {
return false;
return true;
I hope this helps to you nd others..!! Thank you..!!
The following code will work for google apiv2:
public void convertAddress() {
if (address != null && !address.isEmpty()) {
try {
List<Address> addressList = geoCoder.getFromLocationName(address, 1);
if (addressList != null && addressList.size() > 0) {
double lat = addressList.get(0).getLatitude();
double lng = addressList.get(0).getLongitude();
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end catch
} // end if
} // end convertAddress
Where address is the String (123 Testing Rd City State zip) you want to convert to LatLng.