What percentage of cards have taunt?

In Hearthstone, what percentage of cards have taunt?

This is relevant to strategies where you have the choice to "destroy a minion and replace it with one better" situations and you need a taunt.

There are total of 2 758 cards in the game as of December 2018, the release date of the last expansion(Rastakhan's Rumble). From these, 148 collectible cards have taunt and 42 collectible (summoned, found or otherwise not normally acquired) cards having taunt, for total of 190 cards with taunt.

In addition, there are 44 cards that can give creatures a taunt effect, summon a taunt minion or discover a creatures with taunt specifically.

As a result, percentage of creatures with taunt is 190/2758= 0.06889...or roughly 7%. If you include the taunt giving cards, number bumbs to about 8.5%.


  1. https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Card
  2. https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Taunt/Wild_format