How to enable production mode?

I was reading related questions and I found this one, but my question is how can I switch from development to production mode. There are some differences between the modes which are pointed out here.

In the console I can see ....Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode. However, I'm not sure instance of which type should I call that method on.

Can somebody answer this question?

You enable it by importing and executing the function (before calling bootstrap):

import {enableProdMode} from '@angular/core';


But this error is indicator that something is wrong with your bindings, so you shouldn't just dismiss it, but try to figure out why it's happening.

The best way to enable the production mode for an Angular 2 application, is to use angular-cli and build the application with ng build --prod. This will build the application with production profile. Using angular-cli has the benefit of being able to use development mode using ng serve or ng build while developing without altering the code all the time.