Unified Logs | macOS High Sierra

I have macOS unified logs from System A in .logarchive format. Any attempts to parse the .logarchive in System B using log show command provides following error:

bash-3.2#log show /tmp/unifiedlogsv2/unifiedlogs.logarchive
    log: Archive format needs updating (to version 3), doing so will render the archive unreadable by older tools.
    Re-run log with --force if you want to allow this upgrade

When run with --force option, the following error is displayed:

bash-3.2# log show --force /tmp/unifiedlogsv2/unifiedlogs.logarchive|more
log: warning: The log archive contains partial or missing metadata
log: Could not open log archive: The log archive format is corrupt and cannot be read

The same logarchive opens fine in Console. My objective is to parse the logarchive using the log show command. Any suggestions how to do so?

Solution 1:

The man log page shows two switches, --file file and --archive archive. You will likely need to include one of them when working with archives from another system which didn't originate on the local system.

log show [--archive archive | --file file] [--predicate filter] [--source] [--style default | compact | json | syslog] [--color auto | always | none]
     [--start date/time] [--end date/time] [--[no-]info] [--[no-]debug] [--[no-]signpost] [--last time [m|h|d]] [--timezone local | timezone]

The man page goes on to detail those 2 switches like so:

    --archive archive
                     Display events stored in the given archive. The archive 
                     must be a valid log archive bundle with the suffix

    --file file      Display events stored in the given .tracev3 file. In order 
                     to be decoded, the file must be contained within
                     a valid .logarchive bundle, or part of the system logs 


Since you're working with .logarchive formatted files you likely want to use the --archive switch:

$ log show --archive /tmp/unifiedlogsv2/unifiedlogs.logarchive