How to supress "Terminate batch job (Y/N)" confirmation?

In cmd, when we press Ctrl+C we get the target application terminated but if the target application is called from a batch file, we get this "Terminate batch job (Y/N)" confirmation. I can never remember an instance where I chose not to terminate the batch job. How can we skip this confirmation?

AFAIK you can't as this behavior is by design and controlled by the command interpreter. There is no method of "mapping" or even "intercepting" this unless you de-compile and recompile the interpreter directly.

At this site, I found an effective solution:

script2.cmd < nul

To not have to type this out every time I made a second script called script.cmd in the same folder with the line above. I've tested this technique on XP only, but others have confirmed it on Win 7.

Nathan adds: another option is to put the following code at the top of script.cmd which does the same thing in one file:

rem Bypass "Terminate Batch Job" prompt.
if "%~1"=="-FIXED_CTRL_C" (
   REM Remove the -FIXED_CTRL_C parameter
) ELSE (
   REM Run the batch with <NUL and -FIXED_CTRL_C

Press Ctrl+C twice.

Install Clink and change the "terminate_autoanswer" setting. The settings file should be here: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\clink\settings.

# name: Auto-answer terminate prompt
# type: enum
# Automatically answers cmd.exe's 'Terminate batch job (Y/N)?' prompts. 0 =
# disabled, 1 = answer 'Y', 2 = answer 'N'.
terminate_autoanswer = 1

This then "just works" with any cmd.exe window. You don't need to alter what's running or otherwise, since clink piggy-backs on cmd.exe. 1

Frickin' awesome, IMO!

1 But you will need to close and reopen cmd.exe before it takes effect.
2 Original unmaintained CLink repo here:

If you don't need to do anything in the batch file after your application finishes normally, then using the start command ensures that the batch file is already finished by the time you press Ctrl-C. And hence the message will not appear.

For example:

@echo off

set my_command=ping.exe
set my_params=-t

echo Command to be executed by 'start': %my_command% %my_params%

:: When NOT using /B or /WAIT then this will create a new window, while
:: execution of this very batch file will continue in the current window:

start %my_command% %my_params%

echo This line will be executed BEFORE 'start' is even finished. So, this
echo batch file will complete BEFORE one presses Ctrl-C in the other window.

:: Just for testing use 'pause' to show "Press any key to continue", to see
:: the output of the 'echo' commands. Be sure to press Ctrl-C in the window
:: that runs the 'ping' command (not in this very window). Or simply remove
:: the next line when confused:


(Tested on Windows XP.)