How do I immediately execute an anonymous function in PHP?

Solution 1:

For versions prior to PHP 7, the only way to execute them immediately I can think of is

call_user_func(function() { echo 'executed'; });

With current versions of PHP, you can just do

(function() { echo 'executed'; })();

Solution 2:

In PHP 7 is to do the same in javascript

$gen = (function() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;

    return 3;

foreach ($gen as $val) {
    echo $val, PHP_EOL;

echo $gen->getReturn(), PHP_EOL;

The output is:


Solution 3:

Well of course you can use call_user_func, but there's still another pretty simple alternative:

// we simply need to write a simple function called run:
function run($f){

// and then we can use it like this:
    echo "do something";


Solution 4:

This is the simplest for PHP 7.0 or later.

(function() {echo 'Hi';})();

It means create closure, then call it as function by following "()". Works just like JS thanks to uniform variable evaluation order.