More concise way to check to see if an array contains only numbers (integers)

Solution 1:

$only_integers       === array_filter($only_integers,       'is_int'); // true
$letters_and_numbers === array_filter($letters_and_numbers, 'is_int'); // false

It would help you in the future to define two helper, higher-order functions:

 * Tell whether all members of $array validate the $predicate.
 * all(array(1, 2, 3),   'is_int'); -> true
 * all(array(1, 2, 'a'), 'is_int'); -> false
function all($array, $predicate) {
    return array_filter($array, $predicate) === $array;

 * Tell whether any member of $array validates the $predicate.
 * any(array(1, 'a', 'b'),   'is_int'); -> true
 * any(array('a', 'b', 'c'), 'is_int'); -> false
function any($array, $predicate) {
    return array_filter($array, $predicate) !== array();

Solution 2:

 $only_integers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
 $letters_and_numbers = array('a',1,'b',2,'c',3);

 function arrayHasOnlyInts($array){
    $test = implode('',$array);
    return is_numeric($test);

 echo "numbers:". $has_only_ints = arrayHasOnlyInts($only_integers )."<br />"; // true
 echo "letters:". $has_only_ints = arrayHasOnlyInts($letters_and_numbers )."<br />"; // false
 echo 'goodbye';

Solution 3:

Another alternative, though probably slower than other solutions posted here:

function arrayHasOnlyInts($arr) {
   $nonints = preg_grep('/\D/', $arr); // returns array of elements with non-ints
   return(count($nonints) == 0); // if array has 0 elements, there's no non-ints

Solution 4:

There's always array_reduce():

array_reduce($array, function($a, $b) { return $a && is_int($b); }, true);

But I would favor the fastest solution (which is what you supplied) over the most concise.