How can I get my temporary quest follower to stop following me in Skyrim?

Me and my brony, Aela the huntress, went out and attempted to clear a certain cave near Whiterun, destroying the Silver Hand clan to restore honor to our werewolf kind. I was not prepared for the strength of the final adversary, Kelv the Skinner. After many failed attempts to end him, Aela and I fled the cave. Now, I cannot convince her that the quest is to be temporarily postponed, and she follows me, no matter where I go. Can someone suggest a way to remove her from my party? I have already deselected the quest.

This is the PS3 version of Skyrim. Ergo, I cannot go into the system console or whatever and change anything about the game.

You accepted to do it, so you should do so. Just get enough potions to survive, and beat him...

Unless you recover from a save or temper with PS3 data, there is no way out!

Normal companions can stop following you by talking to them and selecting the last option.