Hotkey for "Kde button" menu? And default shortcut-keys cheatsheets?

What's the hotkey to open that thing in KDE that's basically like the Windows' "Start" menu?

I've found it surprisingly hard to find some basic hotkey cheatsheets for my shiny new install of Kubuntu... Anybody know of any?

There's no hotkey by default, you can configure a hotkey though. Right-click the KDE launcher button and select "Application Launcher Settings". Then go the Keyboard Shortcut tab.

I've found it surprisingly hard to find some basic hotkey cheatsheets for my shiny new install of Kubuntu... Anybody know of any?

In any application, you can go to Settingsā†’Configure Shortcuts to view the shortcuts. To view global shortcuts, you can open the "Global Shortcuts" configuration module from System Settings.

Alt + F1 is the default combination to open the 'start menu'/application launcher.