Is it appropriate to use the sentence- " Greetings of the Day" in a formal email instead of Good morning?

I often receive e-mails which start with the sentence- 'Greetings of the day.' instead of Good morning or good afternoon. I am wondering whether it is correct to use this in formal emails and letters.

Solution 1:

If I receive an e-mail that begins with "Greetings of the day", I will assume that it is spam and automatically reach for the delete button. If I am e-mailing someone that I know (or have e-mailed before), I usually begin with "Hi, Fred" (you can more or less say whatever you like in e-mails - there are no rules). If I am e-mailing someone that I don't know, then I might treat it like writing a letter and begin with "Dear Mr. Jones".

If you want me to read your e-mails, always address me by name. However, if you are sending me spam, please do begin with "Greetings of the day" and I'll know not to read any further and press the delete button.

Having said all that, I do receive perfectly good e-mails (from British companies) that begin with "Good morning". There's nothing wrong with it. "Greetings of the day", however, sounds like Babu English and is probably best avoided.

Solution 2:

It definitely sounds like it is from someone from India to me. I got one today and they signed their name with a very Italian-sounding name, but they were not fooling me. I live in Italy and I know what a person who normally speaks Italian, trying to write in English sounds like, and even Google Translate would not say "Greetings of the Day!" No thanks, "Alvaro."